
Carlos Andres Chirre Chavez

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My research interest is Mathematical Analysis, especially in topics related to Analytic Number Theory, Fourier Analysis, and Approximation Theory.

  • Researcher-Professor at PUCP, Lima, Peru; 2023.
  • Postdoctoral Position at University of Rochester, New York, USA; 2022-2023.
  • Postdoctoral Position at Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU, Trondheim, Norway; 2019-2022.
  • Ph.D. Mathematics at Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 2015-2019.
  • M. Sc. in Mathematics at IMCA, Lima, Peru; 2013-2014.
  • Bachelor's degree in Mathematics at UNI, Lima, Peru; 2007-2012.

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Program: Master in Applied Mathematics
Thesis title Sobre los ceros reales de funciones enteras
Defense date 2014-11-06
Advisor Dr. Oswaldo Velasquez Castañon
Supervisor 1 Dr. Emanuel Augusto De Souza Carneiro
Supervisor 2 Dr. Julio Alcantara Bode